1. Purpose
You should make this list after picking the materials in order to transfer them which need to be processed to either the factory or other suppliers.
2. Link
Manufacturing Management→ Process implementation → Processing control list
3. Basic information images
XXX (Basic information picture)
● Number: The code number of list. When setting up input- output intentory parameter, if order number is set by [Manually code] typing, it would be input by the current user. On the other hand, if it is set by「Day code」, it would be show up by itself. It can not be left blank.
● Date: The system will automatically display the current date of the system, no need to manually type. You can also modify it by yourself, it can not be left blank.
● Project: Project of the sale order.
● Department: Enten the department
● Manager: The current user
● Process code name: From SA01
● Process category : There are two type of process: In plant or Oursoursing
● Manufacture: Enter the supplier for product oursouring process
● Pricing method: There are two methods for getting price: Based on the quantity of goods or the weight of goods. (Defaut setting is according to quantity of goods)
● Currency: The default setting.
● Exchange rate: The default setting
● Taxation: There are 6 types: No open, Zero-rated good, Tax exemption, Tax inclusive, Taxable, No tax
● Delievery address: Link from the original sales order.
● Payment terms: There are two way is cash or cash on delivery
● Remarks: emarks: You can enter the content of the note here or click the icon to open a search window "Common Remark" or it can be left blank.
● Adjust category: you can enter adjust category here or it can be left blank
● Property: Selecting the basic properties of the order for more quickly looking up the relevant order later, you can click to open the "Properties" window to select i. It can be left blank.
XXX (Body part picture)
● Ordinal number: The symtem will set automatically
● Item code number: You can enter a material manually or by clicking "Get an order" button, then you can choose the material what should be returned.
● Item name: Full name of the item.
● Unit: The unit of weight of item
● Input: The input quantity for processing
● Unit price: The item price
● Speical price: If it has been set the special price on the previous agreement, please check in the box.
● Prepaid Day: The estimated delivery date
● Closed: Click if it would be closed.
● Amount: Total amount of a item.
4. The step of process (XXX)
(1) Click on「Insert」icon.
(2)Click to choose "Process name" and input all the relevant informations.
(3) Click on "Get an order" button to open a window quickly.
(4) After choosing the items with the quantity would be processed, click “Accept” button.
(5) Click “Save” icon for a completion.